Harris County COVID-19 data

I have a very nice (I hope) dataset consisting of number of positive COVID-19 cases per day in Harris county by zipcode. In this blog entry I would like to study this dataset and look at comparisons with various other data.

Initial look

First off, let’s explore the data for issues, and for ideas about what might be interesting.

# How is the data distributed? Let's look at the most recent day

Harris %>% 
  group_by(Zip) %>% 
    summarize(Cases_today=last(Cases)) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x=Cases_today)) +

So over 20 zipcodes have no cases (but they may also have no people), and it looks like most zipcodes are in the 250-750 range. No obvious outliers or busts, so the data is looking pretty good so far.

Let’s look at the time behavior - this may get messy.

Harris %>% 
  mutate(Zip=as.factor(Zip)) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x=Date, y=Cases, color=Zip)) +
  geom_line() + 
  theme(legend.position = "none")

Obviously almost zipcodes are up, but some much more than others. But again, most importantly at this stage, no obvious data busts.

Let’s load up some more datasets. I need Population, area, median age, race, blueness, and median income.

path <- "/home/ajackson/Dropbox/Rprojects/Datasets/"

#   SF file of zipcode outlines and areas

Zip_outlines <- readRDS(paste0(path, "ZipCodes_sf.rds"))

#   Census data for 2016

Zip_census16 <- readRDS(paste0(path, "TexasZipcode_16.rds"))
Zip_census16 <- Zip_census16 %>% 

#   Median family income and number of families
Income <- readRDS("/home/ajackson/Dropbox/Rprojects/Datasets/IncomeByZip.rds")

#   Many vs 2 generational households
House <- readRDS("/home/ajackson/Dropbox/Rprojects/Datasets/HouseholdByZip.rds")

#   Blueness

Blueness <- readRDS(paste0(path,"HarrisBlueness.rds")) 

Construct master dataframe

I want to build one data frame for all the ancilliary data by ZCTA, including the polygons, just to make things easier. Let’s make 2, one with geometries, and one without.

DF_values <- Zip_census16 %>% 
  select(-MalePop) %>% 

DF_values <- left_join(DF_values, Income, by="ZCTA")

DF_values <- left_join(DF_values, House, by="ZCTA")

# Drop NA will restrict to Harris county

DF_values <- left_join(DF_values, Blueness, by="ZCTA") %>% 

left_join.sf =
  ret = NextMethod("left_join")

Zip_outlines <- sf::st_as_sf(Zip_outlines)

DF_polys <- left_join(DF_values, Zip_outlines, by=c("ZCTA"="Zip_Code"))

DF_polys <- sf::st_as_sf(DF_polys)

#   Check it out
      pal <- leaflet::colorNumeric(palette = colorspace::diverge_hsv(8),
                          na.color = "transparent",
                          domain = DF_values$blueness)
leaflet::leaflet(DF_polys) %>% 
        leaflet::setView(lng = -95.3103, lat = 29.7752, zoom = 7 ) %>%   
        leaflet::addTiles() %>%
        leaflet::addPolygons(data = DF_polys, 
                    weight = 1,
                    smoothFactor = 0.2, 
                    fillOpacity = 0.7,
                    fillColor =  ~pal(DF_values$blueness))  

Let’s now calculate some per capita numbers, since I’ll be wanting those later. Also pop density. Turn all relevant numbers into per capita or percents. Also calculate doubling time in a sliding window.

#DF_values$Population[DF_values$ZCTA=="77407"] <- 28585
#DF_values$Population[DF_values$ZCTA=="77046"] <- 1196
#DF_values$Population[DF_values$ZCTA=="77002"] <- 16793

DF_values <- DF_values %>% 

DF_values <- DF_polys %>% as_tibble %>% 
  select(-Shape) %>% 
  select(ZCTA, Shape_Area) %>% 
  left_join(DF_values, by="ZCTA") %>% 
  mutate(Density=5280*5280*Pop/Shape_Area) # per sq mile

Now let’s calculate a bunch of useful stuff from case numbers

#          Calculate doubling times along whole vector
doubling <- function(cases, window=5, grouper) {
  if (length(cases)<10){ # must have >= 10 points
  halfwidth <- as.integer(window/2)
  rolling_lm <- tibbletime::rollify(.f = function(logcases, Days) {
    lm(logcases ~ Days)
  window = window, 
  unlist = FALSE) 
  foo <- 
    tibble(Days = 1:length(cases), logcases = log10(cases)) %>%
    mutate(roll_lm = rolling_lm(logcases, Days)) %>% 
    filter(!is.na(roll_lm)) %>%
    mutate(tidied = purrr::map(roll_lm, broom::tidy)) %>%
    unnest(tidied) %>%
    filter(term=="Days") %>% 
    mutate(m=estimate) %>% 
    #   calculate doubling time
    mutate(m=signif(log10(2)/m,3)) %>% 
    mutate(m=replace(m, m>200, NA)) %>%  
    mutate(m=replace(m, m<=0, NA)) %>% 
  return(matlab::padarray(foo[[1]], c(0,halfwidth), "replicate"))
}  ######################  end doubling

#   trim outliers

isnt_out_z <- function(x, thres = 8, na.rm = TRUE) {
  good <- abs(x - mean(x, na.rm = na.rm)) <= thres * sd(x, na.rm = na.rm)
  x[!good] <- NA # set outliers to na
  x[x<=0] <- NA # non-positive values set to NA

#---------------  Control matrix, available everywhere

calc_controls <- tribble(
  ~base,             ~avg, ~percap, ~trim, ~positive,
  "Cases",           TRUE,  TRUE,  FALSE,  TRUE,
  "pct_chg",         TRUE, FALSE,  FALSE,  TRUE,
  "doubling",        TRUE, FALSE,   TRUE,  TRUE,
  "active_cases",    TRUE,  TRUE,  FALSE,  TRUE,
  "new_cases",       TRUE,  TRUE,  FALSE,  TRUE
#       Calculate everything by grouping variable (County, MSA)
prep_counties <- function(DF, Grouper) { 
  window <- 5
  Grouper_str <- Grouper
  Grouper <- rlang::sym(Grouper)
  #---------------  Clean up and calc base quantities
  foo <- DF %>%     
    group_by(!!Grouper) %>% 
      arrange(Date) %>% 
      mutate(day = row_number()) %>% 
      add_tally() %>% 
    ungroup() %>% 
    select(!!Grouper, Cases, Date, new_cases, Population, n) %>% 
    filter(!!Grouper!="Total") %>% 
    filter(!!Grouper!="Pending County Assignment") %>% 
    replace_na(list(Cases=0, new_cases=0)) %>% 
    group_by(!!Grouper) %>%
      arrange(Date) %>% 
      mutate(pct_chg=100*new_cases/lag(Cases, default=Cases[1])) %>%
      mutate(active_cases=Cases-lag(Cases, n=14, default=Cases[1])) %>%
      mutate(doubling=doubling(Cases, window, !!Grouper)) %>% 
  #----------------- Trim outliers and force to be >=0
  for (base in calc_controls$base[calc_controls$trim]){
    for (grp in unique(foo[[Grouper_str]])) {
      foo[foo[[Grouper_str]]==grp,][base] <- isnt_out_z((foo[foo[[Grouper_str]]==grp,][[base]]))
  for (base in calc_controls$base[calc_controls$positive]){
    foo[base] <- pmax(0, foo[[base]])
  #----------------- Calc Rolling Average
  inputs <- calc_controls$base[calc_controls$avg==TRUE]
  foo <- foo %>% 
    group_by(!!Grouper) %>% 
    mutate_at(inputs, list(avg = ~ zoo::rollapply(., window, 
                                                  FUN=function(x) mean(x, na.rm=TRUE),
                                                  fill=c(first(.), NA, last(.))))) %>% 
              list(~ paste("avg", gsub("_avg", "", .), sep = "_"))) %>% 
  foo <- foo %>% 
    mutate(pct_chg=na_if(pct_chg, 0)) %>% 
    mutate(pct_chg=replace(pct_chg, pct_chg>30, NA)) %>% 
    mutate(pct_chg=replace(pct_chg, pct_chg<0.1, NA)) %>% 
    mutate(avg_pct_chg=na_if(avg_pct_chg, 0)) %>% 
    mutate(avg_pct_chg=replace(avg_pct_chg, avg_pct_chg>30, NA)) %>% 
    mutate(avg_pct_chg=replace(avg_pct_chg, avg_pct_chg<0.1, NA))
  #----------------- Calc per capitas
  inputs <- calc_controls$base[calc_controls$percap==TRUE]
  inputs <- c(paste0("avg_", inputs), inputs)
  foo <- foo %>% 
    mutate_at(inputs, list(percap = ~ . / Population * 1.e3)) 
} ###############  end of prep_counties

#   Add Population to Harris file
###########################################   stopped here
Harris <- DF_values %>% select(ZCTA, Pop) %>% 
  rename(Zip=ZCTA) %>% 
  left_join(Harris, .) %>% 

Harris <- Harris %>% 
  group_by(Zip) %>% 
    arrange(Date) %>% 
    mutate(new_cases=(Cases-lag(Cases, default=first(Cases)))) %>%
    mutate(new_cases=pmax(new_cases, 0)) %>% # truncate negative numbers

Harris <- Harris %>% drop_na()
Harris <- Harris %>% filter(Cases>0)
############   Create Counties file
Harris_calc <- prep_counties(Harris, "Zip")

Now let’s look at overall measures by zipcode, before we start trying to correlate things.

Harris_calc %>% 
  select(-n, -Population) %>% 
  pivot_longer(c(-Date, -Zip), names_to="Measurements", values_to="Values") %>% 
    ggplot(aes(x=Date, y=Values, color=Zip)) + 
      geom_line() +
      facet_wrap(~ Measurements, scales = "free_y") +
      labs(title="Zipcode Daily Measurements",
           y="Value") + 
      theme(legend.position = "none")

Let’s look at the top five zipcodes in each measurement

Measures <- names(Harris_calc %>% select(-Zip, -Date, -Population, -n))

for (variable in Measures) {
  # get top 5
  foo <- Harris_calc %>% 
    group_by(Zip) %>% 
      summarize(maxval=max(!!sym(variable), na.rm=TRUE),
                minval=min(!!sym(variable), na.rm=TRUE))
  if (str_detect(variable, "double")) {
    top5 <- head(arrange(foo, maxval),5)
  } else {
    top5 <- head(arrange(foo, -maxval),5)
  Select_Zips <- Harris_calc %>% 
    filter(Zip %in% top5$Zip)
  # Plot all zips in gray, and then overplot the top 5 in color
  # with labels
  p <- Harris_calc %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x=Date, y=!!as.name(variable))) + 
  #theme(legend.position = "none", text = element_text(size=20)) +
  geom_line(aes(group=Zip),colour = alpha("grey", 0.7), show.legend=FALSE) +
            aes(color=Zip)) +
  labs(title=paste("Zip Codes with worst" ,variable),

Let’s make a heat map

Harris_calc %>% 
  group_by(Zip) %>% 
    mutate(avg_doubling=pmin(avg_doubling, 25, na.rm=TRUE)) %>% 
  ungroup() %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x=Date, y=Zip, fill=avg_doubling)) + 
  geom_tile() + 
  scale_fill_gradient(high="blue", low="red")

Harris_calc %>% 
  group_by(Zip) %>% 
    mutate(maxcases=max(Cases, na.rm=TRUE)) %>% 
  ungroup() %>% 
  filter(maxcases>500) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x=Date, y=Zip, fill=avg_new_cases_percap)) + 
  geom_tile() + 
  labs(title="Restricted to Zip Codes with > 500 Cases") + 
  #scale_fill_viridis(discrete=FALSE, option="plasma")
  scale_fill_gradient(low="blue", high="red")

  #scale_fill_distiller(type="seq", palette="YlOrRd", direction=+1)

Okay, let’s make some maps

# Need dataframe of last values

Harris_last <- Harris_calc %>% 
  group_by(Zip) %>% 
    summarize(across(contains("avg"), last))

# Histograms to help pick color scales for maps

Harris_last %>% 
  pivot_longer(-Zip, names_to="Calculation", values_to="Value") %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x=Value)) +
  facet_wrap(vars(Calculation), scales="free") + 

Harris_last <- left_join(Harris_last, Zip_outlines, by=c("Zip"="Zip_Code"))

Harris_last <- sf::st_as_sf(Harris_last)

#   Check it out doubling time
      pal <- leaflet::colorBin(palette = heat.colors(6),
                          bins = c(0,5,10,25,75, max(Harris_last$avg_doubling, na.rm = TRUE)),
                          na.color = "transparent",
                         # pretty = FALSE,
                          domain = Harris_last$avg_doubling)
leaflet::leaflet(Harris_last) %>% 
        leaflet::setView(lng = -95.3103, lat = 29.7752, zoom = 8 ) %>%   
        leaflet::addTiles() %>%
        leaflet::addPolygons(data = DF_polys, 
                    weight = 1,
                    smoothFactor = 0.2, 
                    fillOpacity = 0.7,
                    fillColor =  ~pal(Harris_last$avg_doubling)) %>% 
  leaflet::addLegend("bottomleft", pal = pal, 
                     values = Harris_last$avg_doubling,
            labels= as.character(seq(Range[1], Range[2], length.out = 5)),
            labFormat = function(type, cuts, p) {
            n = length(cuts)
          paste0(signif(cuts[-n],2), " &ndash; ", signif(cuts[-1],2))
    title = "Avg Doubling Time in Days",
    opacity = 1
# Now do new cases per cap, active cases per cap

#   Avg new cases per cap
      pal <- leaflet::colorBin(palette = heat.colors(5),
                          bins = c(0,0.5,1,2, max(Harris_last$avg_new_cases_percap, na.rm = TRUE)),
                          na.color = "transparent",
                         # pretty = FALSE,
                          domain = Harris_last$avg_new_cases_percap)
leaflet::leaflet(Harris_last) %>% 
        leaflet::setView(lng = -95.3103, lat = 29.7752, zoom = 8 ) %>%   
        leaflet::addTiles() %>%
        leaflet::addPolygons(data = DF_polys, 
                    weight = 1,
                    smoothFactor = 0.2, 
                    fillOpacity = 0.7,
                    fillColor =  ~pal(Harris_last$avg_new_cases_percap)) %>% 
  leaflet::addLegend("bottomleft", pal = pal, 
                     values = Harris_last$avg_new_cases_percap,
            labels= as.character(seq(Range[1], Range[2], length.out = 5)),
            labFormat = function(type, cuts, p) {
            n = length(cuts)
          paste0(signif(cuts[-n],2), " &ndash; ", signif(cuts[-1],2))
    title = "Avg New Cases per 1,000",
    opacity = 1
#   Avg active cases per cap
      pal <- leaflet::colorBin(palette = heat.colors(5),
                          bins = c(0,2.5,5,7.5, max(Harris_last$avg_active_cases_percap, na.rm = TRUE)),
                          na.color = "transparent",
                         # pretty = FALSE,
                          domain = Harris_last$avg_active_cases_percap)
leaflet::leaflet(Harris_last) %>% 
        leaflet::setView(lng = -95.3103, lat = 29.7752, zoom = 8 ) %>%   
        leaflet::addTiles() %>%
        leaflet::addPolygons(data = DF_polys, 
                    weight = 1,
                    smoothFactor = 0.2, 
                    fillOpacity = 0.7,
                    fillColor =  ~pal(Harris_last$avg_active_cases_percap)) %>% 
  leaflet::addLegend("bottomleft", pal = pal, 
                     values = Harris_last$avg_active_cases_percap,
            labels= as.character(seq(Range[1], Range[2], length.out = 5)),
            labFormat = function(type, cuts, p) {
            n = length(cuts)
          paste0(signif(cuts[-n],2), " &ndash; ", signif(cuts[-1],2))
    title = "Avg Active Cases per 1,000",
    opacity = 1

Now what? Can we make animated maps?

This doesn’t use leaflet, so will take a bit of work.

# stmp <- stamp("Jan 1, 1999")
# i <- 1
# for (ThisDay in sort(unique(Harris_calc$Date))){
#   Daily <- Harris_calc %>% 
#     filter(Date == ThisDay)
# #   Avg new cases per cap
#       pal <- leaflet::colorBin(palette = heat.colors(6),
#                           bins = c(0,0.25,0.5,0.75,1.0, 1.5, 2),
#                           na.color = "transparent",
#                           reverse=TRUE,
#                          # pretty = FALSE,
#                           domain = Daily$avg_new_cases_percap)
#   m <- leaflet::leaflet(Daily) %>% 
#         leaflet::setView(lng = -95.3103, lat = 29.7752, zoom = 10 ) %>%   
#         leaflet::addTiles() %>%
#         leaflet::addPolygons(data = DF_polys, 
#                     weight = 1,
#                     stroke=TRUE,
#                     smoothFactor = 0.2, 
#                     fillOpacity = 0.7,
#                     fillColor =  ~pal(Daily$avg_new_cases_percap)) %>% 
#   leaflet::addLegend("bottomleft", pal = pal, 
#                      values = Daily$avg_new_cases_percap,
#             labels= as.character(seq(Range[1], Range[2], length.out = 5)),
#             labFormat = function(type, cuts, p) {
#             n = length(cuts)
#           paste0(signif(cuts[-n],2), " &ndash; ", signif(cuts[-1],2))
#                   },
#     title = paste0("Avg New Cases per 1,000 : ", stmp(as_date(ThisDay))),
#     opacity = 1
#   )
#       ## This is the png creation part
#     htmlwidgets::saveWidget(m, 'temp.html', selfcontained = FALSE)
#     webshot('temp.html', file=sprintf('Rplot%02d.png', i),
#             cliprect = 'viewport')
#     i <- i+ 1
# }

#     convert -resize 50% -delay 100 Rplot* -loop 0 animation.gif

Animated Map

Time to correlate

Time to start correlating. First we will look at single factors. Later we will combine factors, maybe do an ANOVA.

lm_eqn <- function(df){
    m <- lm(y ~ x, df);
    eq <- substitute(italic(y) == a + b %.% italic(x)*","~~italic(r)^2~"="~r2, 
         list(a = format(unname(coef(m)[1]), digits = 2),
              b = format(unname(coef(m)[2]), digits = 2),
             r2 = format(summary(m)$r.squared, digits = 3)))

Correlates <- Harris_calc %>% 
  group_by(Zip) %>% 
    mutate(maxcases=max(Cases, na.rm=TRUE)) %>% 
  ungroup() %>% 
  filter(maxcases>500) %>% # only zips where max cases > 500
  filter(Zip != "77002") %>% # drop downtown
  group_by(Zip) %>% 
    summarize(min_doub = min(avg_doubling, na.rm=TRUE),
              last_doub = last(avg_doubling),
              last_new = last(avg_new_cases_percap),
              max_new = max(new_cases_percap, na.rm=TRUE),
              last_act = max(active_cases_percap, na.rm=TRUE),
              last_cases = last(avg_Cases_percap))

DF_corrvals <- DF_values %>% 
         ) %>% 
  select(Zip=ZCTA, Pop, MedianAge, Med_Income, blueness, WhitePct,
         BlackPct, HispanicPct, MultigenPct, Density,
         Age20to34_pct, Age60up_pct)

foo <- left_join(DF_corrvals, Correlates, by="Zip")

x_axis <- c("MedianAge", "Med_Income" ,"blueness", "WhitePct",
            "BlackPct", "HispanicPct", "MultigenPct", "Density",
            "Age20to34_pct", "Age60up_pct")
y_axis <- c("min_doub", "last_doub", "last_new", "max_new", "last_cases", "last_act")
y_names <- c("min_doub"="Minimum Doubling Time",
             "last_doub"="Latest Doubling Time", 
             "last_new"="Latest New Case Count per capita", 
             "max_new"="Maximum New Case Count per capita", 
             "last_cases"="Latest Case Count per capita",
             "last_act"="Latest Active Case Count per capita")

for (y_val in y_axis) {
  p <- 
  foo %>% select(-Pop, -Zip) %>% 
    select(!! c(x_axis, y_val)) %>% 
    pivot_longer(-!!y_val, names_to="X_variable", values_to="X_value") %>% 
    ggplot(aes_string(x="X_value", y=y_val)) +
    facet_wrap(vars(X_variable), scales="free") +
    geom_point() +
    geom_smooth(method="lm") +
    labs(y=y_names[[y_val]], title="Maximum Cases > 500 Only") 

Let’s look at the outliers

Correlates %>% filter(last_act>10)
## # A tibble: 29 x 7
##    Zip   min_doub last_doub last_new max_new last_act last_cases
##    <chr>    <dbl>     <dbl>    <dbl>   <dbl>    <dbl>      <dbl>
##  1 77011    11.5      133      0.108    2.64     12.9       55.1
##  2 77014    23.9       86.7    0.147   11.6      13.2       30.9
##  3 77015    11.2       95.9    0.122   10.0      14.3       43.7
##  4 77028    13.4      112      0.138    1.73     11.1       53.2
##  5 77029     8.14      91.9    0.109   12.1      15.3       50.0
##  6 77032     6.17      NA      0.148    9.50     16.1       60.0
##  7 77037     9.26     110      0.201    9.42     13.4       44.4
##  8 77038     9.58     151      0       13.2      17.3       41.1
##  9 77039    12.0      101      0       11.4      15.0       44.9
## 10 77044     8.21      72.6    0.223   10.9      15.2       48.0
## # … with 19 more rows

77011 : Second Ward 77028 : Houston Gardens 77030 : Med Center 77032 : IAH - ICE detention center 77061 : Glenbrook Valley / Hobby 77087 : Golfcrest / Park Place 77091 : Acres Homes 77099 : Alief

  foo %>% #filter(Zip %in% c("77011", "77028", "77061", "77087", 
          #                  "77091", "77099")) %>%  
    select(-Pop, -Zip) %>% 
    filter(Med_Income<80000) %>% 
    select(!! c(x_axis, "last_act")) %>% 
    pivot_longer(-last_act, names_to="X_variable", values_to="X_value") %>% 
    ggplot(aes_string(x="X_value", y="last_act")) +
    facet_wrap(vars(X_variable), scales="free") +
    geom_point() +
    geom_smooth(method="lm") +
    labs(y=y_names[["last_act"]], title="Maximum Cases > 500 Only") 

Let’s try a somewhat different tack. A simple model is that the virus diffuses evenly out through the population in a uniform way. Obviously not true, and most interesting are the deviations from that model. It may also be true that superspreader events are very important - so we could imagine a smoothly diffusing background infection rate with bubbles of superspreader events in it. So let’s look for the exceptions, and see if there are useful patterns there.

Let’s first drop all zip codes from the bottom 1/2 of case numbers, since having a small number of cases often leads to bad statistics. Then let’s look at the top 20 zip codes in terms of cases per capita.

# Make a list of the top 1/2 of zips by max cases

Top_half <- Harris_calc %>% 
  group_by(Zip) %>% 
    summarise(maxcase=max(Cases, na.rm=TRUE)) %>% 
  arrange(desc(maxcase)) %>% 
  head(nrow(.)/2) %>% 
  select(Zip) %>% 
  # remove downtown, med center, & IAH
  filter(!(Zip %in% c("77002", "77030", "77032")))

# Now from that list, take the top 20 by max cases per capita

Top20 <- Harris_calc %>% 
  filter(Zip %in% Top_half$Zip) %>% 
  group_by(Zip) %>% 
    summarise(maxcase=max(Cases_percap, na.rm=TRUE)) %>% 
  arrange(desc(maxcase)) %>% 
  head(20) %>% 

Bot20 <- Harris_calc %>% 
  filter(Zip %in% Top_half$Zip) %>% 
  group_by(Zip) %>% 
    summarise(maxcase=max(Cases_percap, na.rm=TRUE)) %>% 
  arrange(maxcase) %>% 
  head(20) %>% 

#   Now let's look at correlations

Correlates <- Harris_calc %>% 
 # filter(Zip %in% Top20$Zip) %>% 
  filter(Zip %in% Top_half$Zip) %>% 
  group_by(Zip) %>% 
    summarize(min_doub = min(avg_doubling, na.rm=TRUE),
              last_doub = last(avg_doubling),
              last_new = last(avg_new_cases_percap),
              max_new = max(new_cases_percap, na.rm=TRUE),
              last_act = max(active_cases_percap, na.rm=TRUE),
              last_cases = last(avg_Cases_percap))

DF_corrvals <- DF_values %>% 
         ) %>% 
  select(Zip=ZCTA, Pop, MedianAge, Med_Income, blueness, WhitePct,
         BlackPct, HispanicPct, MultigenPct, Density,
         Age20to34_pct, Age60up_pct)

foo <- left_join(DF_corrvals, Correlates, by="Zip")

x_axis <- c("MedianAge", "Med_Income" ,"blueness", "WhitePct",
            "BlackPct", "HispanicPct", "MultigenPct", "Density",
            "Age20to34_pct", "Age60up_pct")
y_axis <- c("min_doub", "last_doub", "last_new", "max_new", "last_cases", "last_act")
y_names <- c("min_doub"="Minimum Doubling Time",
             "last_doub"="Latest Doubling Time", 
             "last_new"="Latest New Case Count per capita", 
             "max_new"="Maximum New Case Count per capita", 
             "last_cases"="Latest Case Count per capita",
             "last_act"="Latest Active Case Count per capita")

for (y_val in y_axis) {
red_data <-  foo %>% 
  filter(Zip %in% Top20$Zip) %>% 
  select(-Pop, -Zip) %>% 
  select(!! c(x_axis, y_val)) %>% 
  pivot_longer(-!!y_val, names_to="X_variable", values_to="X_value") %>% 

green_data <-  foo %>% 
  filter(Zip %in% Bot20$Zip) %>% 
  select(-Pop, -Zip) %>% 
  select(!! c(x_axis, y_val)) %>% 
  pivot_longer(-!!y_val, names_to="X_variable", values_to="X_value") %>% 
  p <- 
  foo %>% select(-Pop, -Zip) %>% 
    filter(Med_Income < 150000) %>% 
    select(!! c(x_axis, y_val)) %>% 
    pivot_longer(-!!y_val, names_to="X_variable", values_to="X_value") %>% 
    na.omit() %>% 
    ggplot(aes_string(x="X_value", y=y_val)) +
    facet_wrap(vars(X_variable), scales="free") +
    geom_point() +
               aes_string(x="X_value", y=y_val), 
               aes_string(x="X_value", y=y_val), 
    geom_smooth(method="lm") +
    labs(y=y_names[[y_val]], title="Top and Bottom 20 Zip Codes for Total Case Count in red / green") 

It looks to me like median income is the main driver correlated to covid cases. That and being a Democrat.