Geocoding Part 2

Let’s take the address for the Art Car Museum and use that as our example address. The first address is correct, the next 5 have a flaw in one of the fields.

#   Address for the Art Car Museum

Test_data <- tribble(
  ~ID, ~Street_num, ~Prefix, ~Street_name, ~Street_type, ~Zipcode,
  "1",       "140",   ""   ,    "Heights",       "BLVD",  "77007",
  "2",       "138",   ""   ,    "Heights",       "BLVD",  "77007",
  "3",       "140",  "W"   ,    "Heights",       "BLVD",  "77007",
  "4",       "140",   ""   ,    "Hieghts",       "BLVD",  "77007",
  "5",       "140",   ""   ,    "Heights",         "LN",  "77007",
  "6",       "140",   ""   ,    "Heights",       "BLVD",  "77070"

Exact Matches

The basic expected way to run the code is to first find all exact matches, and then use the additional tools to try to repair any failures that occurred.

As can be seen, the correct address has a good match, and the Lat/Long are returned. For the next five addresses, a flag noting at which stage the match failed is returned.

The matching is fairly conservative. I assume that only one field is in error, and so, for example, for most repairs will restrict the attempt to the given zip code, assuming that it is correct.

For the exact match, the search order for matching is:

  1. Zip code
  2. Street name
  3. Street type
  4. Street number
  5. Direction prefix

The potential matches are subsetted with each test, and if the match fails at any stage, that is the failure that is returned. So, for example, the last address which has the wrong zip code fails with a Street Name failure, because there is no street name in that wrong zip code that matches, but the zip code itself is valid.

for (i in 1:nrow(Test_data)){ # first look for exact matches
  tmp <- match_exactly(Test_data[i,]$Street_num, 
  if (tmp$Success){ #   success
    print(paste("Success", tmp$Lat, tmp$Lon))
  } else { #  Fail exact match
    print(paste("Failed", tmp$Fail))
## [1] "Success 29.7720052483093 -95.3968091731522"
## [1] "Failed Street_num"
## [1] "Failed Prefix"
## [1] "Failed Street_name"
## [1] "Failed Street_type"
## [1] "Failed Street_name"

Zip Code

Zip code repair entails looking for an exact address match in any other zip code. Given that all the other repair routines assume a correct zip code, this one should be run first.

The fail message for the correct address simply means that the full address was found in the supposedly incorrect zip code - normally you would not try to repair an address you already know is correct.

The incorrect zip code is corrected and the lat/long is returned.

for (i in 1:nrow(Test_data)){ # first look for exact matches
  tmp <- repair_zipcode(Test_data[i,]$Street_num, 
  if (tmp$Success){ #   success
    print(paste("Success", tmp$Lat, tmp$Lon, tmp$New_zipcode))
  } else { #  Fail exact match
    print(paste("Failed", tmp$Fail))
## [1] "Failed hit in 77007 but street lives in original"
## [1] "Failed No hits on address"
## [1] "Failed No hits on address"
## [1] "Failed No hits on address"
## [1] "Failed No hits on address"
## [1] "Success 29.7720052483093 -95.3968091731522 77007"

Street Name

The distance to all names in the given zip code is calculated using the generalized Levenshtein (edit) distance. Basically if one letter has to be changed to get a match, that is a distance of one. Two letters, a distance of two. The distance can be specified, but the default of two is pretty safe.

Certain street names are ignored, as they are too prone to error:

  • Names of < 4 letters
  • Names like “A STREET”
  • Names like “12TH”
  • County roads (CR 123)
  • Farm Roads (FM 123)

If more than one match is found, that is also a failure case.

for (i in 1:nrow(Test_data)){ # first look for exact matches
  tmp <- repair_name(Test_data[i,]$Street_num, 
  if (tmp$Success){ #   success
    print(paste("Success", tmp$Lat, tmp$Lon, tmp$New_name))
  } else { #  Fail exact match
    print(paste("Failed", tmp$Fail))
## [1] "Failed No name found"
## [1] "Failed No name found"
## [1] "Failed No name found"
## [1] "Success 29.7720052483093 -95.3968091731522 HEIGHTS"
## [1] "Failed No name found"
## [1] "Failed No name found"

Street Type

Again, a search will occur within the designated zip code, and all the street types for the given name and prefix will be compiled. If only a single type is found, then an exact match is attempted. If that succeeds then the new address and lat/long are returned.

The street types Court and Circle (CT, CIR) are ignored, as they are too risky.

for (i in 1:nrow(Test_data)){ # first look for exact matches
  tmp <- repair_type(Test_data[i,]$Street_num, 
  if (tmp$Success){ #   success
    print(paste("Success", tmp$Lat, tmp$Lon, tmp$New_type))
  } else { #  Fail exact match
    print(paste("Failed", tmp$Fail))
## [1] "Success 29.7720052483093 -95.3968091731522 BLVD"
## [1] "Failed Type found but address not matched BLVD"
## [1] "Failed No Types found"
## [1] "Failed No Types found"
## [1] "Success 29.7720052483093 -95.3968091731522 BLVD"
## [1] "Failed No Types found"

Street Number

If the street number is not found, then we try to interpolate from nearby addresses. Which sounds simple, but is a bit tricky. What constitutes nearby? And given that the locations are building or plat centered, how should we interpolate?

First we look for address numbers on the same block as the target address, and on the same side of the street (even or odd). If we find less than 2 addresses, we open up the search to 3 blocks. If there are still less than 2 numbers, we give up. It could be argued that at this point we could ignore the even odd distinction to open up more possibilities, which would work in some cases, but at the cost of introducing significant bias in the interpolated result. More complex interpolation schemes can also be imagined, but it is unclear how much benefit would be gained. Google uses some of these to poor effect.

Next we calculate delta lat/longs for pairs of addresses taken in order to come up with an interpolator. We then use the address nearest to the target to calculate the new lat/long. Finally we check the distance from the nearest point to the target. If it exceeds a threshold (set by a parameter) then the match is rejected. The default value is 250 feet.

for (i in 1:nrow(Test_data)){ # first look for exact matches
  tmp <- repair_number(Test_data[i,]$Street_num, 
  if (tmp$Success){ #   success
    print(paste("Success", tmp$Lat, tmp$Lon, tmp$Result))
  } else { #  Fail exact match
    print(paste("Failed", tmp$Fail))
## [1] "Success 29.7720052483093 -95.3968091731522 Nearest address was 0 feet"
## [1] "Success 29.7719725066957 -95.3967989242927 Nearest address was 12 feet"
## [1] "Failed Too few neighbors"
## [1] "Failed Too few neighbors"
## [1] "Failed Too few neighbors"
## [1] "Failed Too few neighbors"

Directional Prefix

Similar to Street Type, we will search for the possible prefixes in the given zip code. If only one is found, then we declare success.

In the example, we are unsuccessful. Why is that? Because within the zip code 77007, there is one, maybe two blocks of Heights Blvd south of Washington Ave where it becomes S. Heights Blvd, before becoming Waugh. So there is a fundamentally unresolvable ambiguity if we know the prefix is wrong.

for (i in 1:nrow(Test_data)){ # first look for exact matches
  tmp <- repair_prefix(Test_data[i,]$Street_num, 
  if (tmp$Success){ #   success
    print(paste("Success", tmp$Lat, tmp$Lon, tmp$New_prefix))
  } else { #  Fail exact match
    print(paste("Failed", tmp$Fail))
## [1] "Failed c(\"Several Prefix found \", \"Several Prefix found S\")"
## [1] "Failed c(\"Several Prefix found \", \"Several Prefix found S\")"
## [1] "Failed c(\"Several Prefix found \", \"Several Prefix found S\")"
## [1] "Failed No Prefix found"
## [1] "Failed No Prefix found"
## [1] "Failed No Prefix found"


I have developed an R package for geocoding within the city of Houston. In tests it has performed well. I feel confident that when it gives a good result, that answer is quite trustworthy - much more so than Google or the Census bureau.

In my tests against the city permit file, out of about 130,000 addresses, about 122,000 were matched exactly. Of the roughly 8000 failed matches, I was able to repair and recover roughly half of those addresses. Of the remaining failures, maybe 10% were not even addresses, so impossible to recover even manually. Most of the rest had multiple issues that would be difficult to sort out.